Redox Materials-based Structured Reactors/ Heat Exchangers for Thermo-Chemical Heat Storage Systems in Concentrated Solar Power Plants

Title of Programme
FP7-ENERGY-2011-1 |
Financing Code for Project
FP7-283015 |
Project start year - end year | 2011 - 2015 |
Financing organisation |
Coordinator | Aerosol and Particle Technology Laboratory (APTL) |
Other partners |
Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Budget / APTL Budget | 3,068,330 € / 975,600 € |
Scientific Manager / Project researcher |
A. G. Konstandopoulos / G. Karagiannakis
Project website |
(on CORDIS: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/100980_en.html) |
Summary |
ThermoChemical Storage (TCS) involves the exploitation of the heat effects of reversible chemical reactions for the “storage” of solar heat. Among gas-solid reactions proposed for such an approach the utilization of a pair of redox reactions involving multivalent solid oxides has several inherent advantages that make it attractive for large-scale deployment. The new concept introduced in the current proposal is instead of using packed or fluidized beds of the redox material as the heat storage medium, to employ monolithic structures like honeycombs or foams, made entirely or partially from the redox oxide materials. The proposal stems from and capitalizes on a number of ideas, concepts and achievements materialized in previous co-operations among the current consortium members:
The proposed concept combines the demonstrated technologies of ceramic volumetric receivers and structured solar reactors and promotes them one step further to the development of an integrated receiver/reactor/heat exchanger configuration with enhanced heat storage characteristics, through a series of innovations to be implemented concerning new reactor/heat exchanger designs, enhanced incorporation of redox materials in the reactor’s structure, improved redox material compositions and utilization of industrial wastes as raw materials for the oxide redox systems synthesis. |
Related Publications in Scientific & Technical Journals |
Karagiannakis G., Pagkoura C., Konstandopoulos A.G., Tescari S., Singh A., Roeb M., Lange M., Marcher J., Jove A., Prieto C., Rattenbury M., Chasiotis A. (2017) "Thermochemical Storage for CSP via Redox Structured Reactors/Heat Exchangers: The RESTRUCTURE Project", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1850 (1), pp. 090004 (1-9); Also in Solar Paces 2016 International Conference, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 11-14. Tescari S., Singh A., de Oliveira L., Breuer S., Agrafiotis C., Roeb M., Sattler C., Marcher J., Pagkoura C., Karagiannakis G., Konstandopoulos A. (2017) "Experimental Proof of Concept of a Pilot-ScaleThermochemical Storage Unit", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1850 (1), pp. 090006 (1-8); Also in Solar Paces 2016 International Conference, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 11-14. Karagiannakis G., Pagkoura C., Halevas E., Baltzopoulou P., Konstandopoulos A.G. (2016) "Cobalt/Cobaltous Oxide Based Honeycombs for Thermochemical Heat Storage in Future Concentrated Solar Power Installations: Multi-cyclic Assessment and Semi-quantitative Heat Effects Estimations", Solar Energy, 133, pp. 394-407. Pagkoura C., Karagiannakis G., Halevas L., Konstandopoulos A.G. (2016) "Co3O4-Based Honeycombs as Compact Redox Reactors/Heat Exchangers for Thermochemical Storage in the Next Generation CSP Plants", AIP Conference Proceedings, 1734 (1), pp. 050037 (1-8); Also in International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems, SolarPACES 2015, October 13-16, Cape Town, South Africa. Pagkoura C., Karagiannakis G., Zygogianni A., Lorentzou S., Konstandopoulos A.G. (2015) "Cobalt Oxide Based Honeycombs as Reactors/Heat Ex-changers for Redox Thermochemical Heat Storage in Future CSP Plants", Energy Procedia, 69, pp. 978-987; Also in Proceedings of SolarPACES 2014 International Conference, Beijing, China, September 16-19. Tescari S., Breuer S., Roeb M., Sattler C., Flucht F., Schmucker M., Karagiannakis G., Pagkoura C., Konstandopoulos A.G. (2015) "Design of a Thermochemical Storage System for Air-Operated Solar Tower Power Plants", Energy Procedia, 69, pp. 1039-1048; Also in Proceedings of SolarPACES 2014 International Conference, Beijing, China, September 16-19. Pagkoura C., Karagiannakis G., Zygogianni A., Lorentzou S., Kostoglou M., Konstandopoulos A.G., RattenburryM., Woodhead J.W. (2014) "Cobalt Oxide Based Honeycombs as Reactors/Heat Exchangers for Redox Thermochemical Heat Storage in Future CSP Plants", Solar Energy, 108, pp. 146-163. Karagiannakis G., Pagkoura C., Zygogianni A., Lorentzou S., Konstandopoulos A.G. (2014) "Monolithic Ceramic Redox Materials for Thermochemical Heat Storage Applications in CSP Plants", Energy Procedia, 49, pp. 820–829; Also in Proceedings of SolarPaces 2013 International Conference, Las Vegas, USA, September 17-20. |