Aerosol and Particle Technology Laboratory
As of November 2022, the Aerosol and Particle Technology Laboratory (APTL) was terminated due to a restructuring decision made by the Board of Directors of the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH). APTL’s personnel and infrastructure have been incorporated into the newly established ARTEMIS Laboratory of the Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute (CPERI) of CERTH. ARTEMIS stands for LAboratory of novel mateRials & Technologies for sustainable Energy & environMental Integrated applicationS.
The mission of ARTEMIS lab is to conduct cutting-edge applied sustainable research with emphasis on solar heat, biomass and combustion as well as on innovative materials, with a special focus on ceramics. The aim is to achieve optimum integration in the context of the green transformation of industrial applications and address the relevant social challenges and priorities of the national and European research and technology policy. ARTEMIS’ core research directions are on:
- Materials and subsystems for production of energy carriers from solar-thermal/thermochemical processes.
- Technologies using alternative fuels in gasification and fuel cell systems.
- Combustion processes and emission control technologies.
- Simulation of physical, chemical, biological and biochemical processes with the use of innovative computational engineering methods.
- Aerosol technologies and methods of exposure/assessment of the impact of particles’ dispersion in human health and/or in plants.
ARTEMIS’ web area is currently under construction.