Valorization of CARbon DIOxide containing industrial streams via non-conventional catalytic systems and SOLarized processes
National Action Range | ERA-NET: CAPITA |
Financing Code for Project | 13CAPITA-13-9A |
Project start year - end year | 2014 - 2016 |
Financing organisation | General Secretariat for Research and Technology |
Coordinator | Aerosol and Particle Technology Laboratory (APTL) |
Other partners |
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) Politecnico de Torino (POLITO) CHEMTEX ITALIA SPA (CTXI) HYSYTECH S.R.L. (HST) Associated partners: MOTOR OIL HELLAS CORINTH REFINERIES S.A. (MOTOR OIL) AVIN OIL S.A. (AVIN) CORAL S.A. (CORAL) |
Budget / APTL Budget | 771,300 € / 150,000 € |
Scientific Manager / Project researcher | A. G. Konstandopoulos / G. Skevis |
Project website | |
Summary | CARDIOSOL is an integrated approach aiming at efficient and renewable CO2 conversion into bio-derived syngas to be subsequently converted to high added value products. The project considers and evaluates several biogas feedstocks, derived from organic raw materials residual fractions, define necessary steps for their pre-conditioning and develops/evaluates novel catalytic systems and structured reactor designs that will allow methane CO2 reforming for syngas generation, eventually assisted by steam/oxygen addition to the feed. CARDIOSOL also defines efficient means for process solarization, via Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) approaches, able to provide the required heat for the reforming process. CARDIOSOL concludes with the implementation of a small-scale prototype to demonstrate proof-of-concept feasibility. Syngas products with H2/CO ratio in the range of 1.5-2.5 are targeted, primarily for the production of methanol as a platform chemical but also for liquid fuels synthesis. |