Simulation tool for dynamic flow analysis in foam filters

Title of Programme
Financing Code for Project
GRD2-2001-50038 |
Project start year - end year | 2002 - 2005 |
Financing organisation |
Research and Technological Development
(R & D Project)
Coordinator |
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Applied Computational Thermofluiddynamics (CDL-ACT)
Other partners |
Centro Ricerche FIAT (CRF)
Zeuna-Staerker GmbH. & Co. KG
Aerosol and Particle Technology Laboratory (APTL)
Budget / APTL Budget | € / 405,826 € |
Scientific Manager / Project researcher | |
Project website | http://apt.cperi.certh.gr/html/dexa/dexa.html
Summary |
The European Automotive Industry is currently facing increasing challenges to provide solutions that reduce transportation related environmental impact, conserve energy and advance social welfare without jeopardizing its major role as a prime contributor to economic growth (turnover of more than 400 billion Euro), major employer (1.7 million people directly employed and a ten-fold more indirectly affected) and important "defender" of European competitiveness (positive trade balance of 15 billion Euro). A central position among the challenges is engaged by the voluntary 25% CO2 reduction commitment of the European automotive industry to the European Commission following the Kyoto Earth summit, namely the achievement in 2008 of 140 gr of CO2 per km traveled, corresponding to an average fuel consumption of 5.7 l / 100 km for the new car fleet, an important milestone towards the strategic target of 120 gr CO2/km for 2012. The US PNGV (Partnership for a new generation of vehicles) is already advancing for several years an ambitious R&D programme aiming at CO2 reduction with a current government supported budget of approximately 300 million US dollars. OBJECTIVE The present ex-ante cluster is aiming at significant reductions in CO2 emissions that can be effected through increased deployment of the modern highly efficient direct injection Diesel engine in the transportation sector, provided that the main barrier to a wide-spread diffusion of this efficient power plant will be overcome: the contemporary reduction of NOx and particulate emissions up to the level required by the next stages of European legislation, that are 50% of the present values within EURO III, 75% within EURO IV and even more beyond . This cluster will contribute to the above mentioned objectives with the only reliable means to achieve this goal of capital importance and simultaneously ensure an actual improvement of air quality -and thus, of the quality of life- and the ever increasing need of mobility expressed by Citizens in congested urban areas: a systemic approach able to synergistically integrate aftertreatment devices and engine control measures. CLUSTER ORIGIN The use of diesel particulate filter systems (traps) appears inescapable for meeting future (Euro IV and beyond) required PM reductions of 75% with respect to current (1999) values and 50% with respect to Euro III (2000) values. As a matter of fact a European engine manufacturer has already made a commitment regarding the introduction of a particle filter as standard equipment after 2000 in one of its top-of-the-line production vehicles. Although this represents a major technological step, cost figures are not currently publicly available. It is widely felt though that the cost of the system is prohibitive for application across all vehicle product lines. Based on a number of expressions of interest in this area by interested industrial partners and research organizations, the members of the present consortium (including passenger car manufacturers, exhaust aftertreatment system suppliers, engineering research and development industries, instrumentation manufacturers, software vendors and research institutes/universities) have been encouraged by the EUCAR organization to form an ex-ante cluster on diesel particulate traps. Following communications and a meeting of prospective partners in Brussells on May 6, 1999 it was decided to form the present cluster. |