Innovative Particle Trap System for Future Diesel Combustion Concepts
Title of Programme
FP6-2005-Transport-4 |
Financing Code for Project
TST5-CT-2006-031410 |
Project start year - end year | 2007 - 2011 |
Financing organisation |
Specific Targeted research Project |
Coordinator | FEV Motorentechnik GmbH (FEV) |
Other partners |
Institut Francais du Petrole (IFP)
Aerosol and Particle Technology Laboratory (APTL)
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (UPVLC)
University of Technology Aachen Institute of combustion engines (VKA)
Cracow University of Technology (CUT)
Budget / APTL Budget | 2,423,009€ / 347,264 € |
Scientific Manager / Project researcher | |
Project website | http://cordis.europa.eu/ |
Summary |
Advanced Diesel combustion processes for passenger car Diesel engines such as Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI), or partial homogeneous combustion are developed for their potential to achieve near zero particulate and NOx emissions. One of the drawbacks of this technology is the difficult combustion control at medium and high load and consequently a limited operating range where NOx and particulate emissions are at a very low level. Therefore, future Diesel engines will combine HCCI at low load with partial homogeneity at part load and conventional Diesel combustion at high and full load. To cover these different loading areas a specific Diesel particle filter is necessary to reach PM and NOx emissions below the Euro V emission standards with a combination of regeneration strategies at low NO2 levels and low exhaust gas temperature due to efficient combustion processes. To achieve NOx engine out emissions below the Euro V level the engine has to be calibrated for low NOx emissions with the disadvantage of increasing soot at part and full load. Therefore the engines need traps. The accumulated soot in the trap can not be reduced by continuous regeneration out of the missing NO2 in the exhaust leading to a higher active regeneration frequency at high trap temperature. To reduce high temperature soot oxidation trap material and catalytic coatings are necessary which allow trap regeneration below 650°C in an acceptable time. These targets will be achieved by a novel design of porous media and novel catalytic nanostructured materials in a compact unit, with tunable soot particle collection that will accommodate multifunctional catalytic coatings. With this content IPSY improves the environmentally behaviour and the market chances of future Diesel combustion processes. It meets the ideas of the general objective to strength the European Research Area of the priority “Objective 1: New technologies and concepts for all surface transport modes”.